Our team is dedicated and prepared to help you learn to live life again. You can learn more about us below!

Brian "Chaplain" Eskelinen President of Ryan's Hope &
From a very early age, drugs and alcohol controlled Brian Eskelinen's life. From shooting drugs as a teenager to a period of drug induced crime with his cousin Steve Hill, followed by years of alcoholism, Brian knows first hand what it means to be trapped in a life of addiction....

Cheryl Eskelinen
Executive Director's Assistant
Cheryl Eskelinen is the wife of our Director, Brian Eskelinen. Cheryl's life has demonstrated that one can live for Jesus all the days of their life without caving into the world's attractions. Saved at the young age of just eight years old, Cheryl has used her beautiful voice through the years to praise and give glory to her Jesus!

Jeri Hill
Jeri Hill is the Co-Founder of Ryan's Hope and mother to Ryan. Having come from a background of drugs, alcohol, and abuse, she understands the hold this horrific addiction can have on one's life. However, the Lord miraculously changed her life after a Pastor visited her home every Saturday for two years and shared that Jesus loved her and had a plan for her life.

Kelsey Morris
Kelsey Hill-Morris is very familiar with the Christian walk. Having been raised by ministers, she often heard about people's experiences with God and testimonies of how He changed their lives. Although she read the Bible, went to Bible School, knew about God, she could never truly go back to a moment when she met Jesus for herself, well, not until a night that changed her life forever..